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July 15-16, 2004 in Klagenfurt, Austria



Final Programme


European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group


Annual Conference


Risk Reduction in End User Computing
Best practice for spreadsheet users in the new Europe


Thursday, 15th July – Friday, 16th July 2004
Pre-Conference Tutorial: Wednesday, 14th July 2004


University of Klagenfurt





Wednesday, July 14th 2004

Southern wing, 2nd floor

(Pre-conference Session)

Room 2.42


15:30 – 16:00      Registration


16:00 – 17:30      Introductory Tutorial
“Spreadsheets, their Use, their Problems and Risks:
A EuSpRIG-briefing”;  
Ray Butler, Highways Agency and
Louise Pryor, Louise Pryor & Co Ltd (UK)




Thursday, July 15th 2004

Southern wing, 1st floor

first day

Lecture hall C


8:00 –  8:30         Registration



8:30 –  9:00         Welcome and Introduction


9:00 –  9:30         Keynote
 “Appropriate Control of User Development Solutions in the Banking
Dean Buckner, UK Financial Service Authority (UK)



9:30 – 10:30        Session 1: Methodologies
“Spreadsheets Good Practice”;
Garry Cleere, ECDLF (IE)

                            “A Paradigm for Spreadsheet Engineering Methodologies”;                                       Thomas A. Grossman, Univ. of  San Francisco and
Özgür Özlük, San Francisco State Univ. (US)



10:30 – 11:00      Coffee break


11:00 – 12:40      Session 2: Testing and Audits
“When, why and how to test spreadsheets”;
Louise Pryor, Louise Pryor & Co Ltd (UK)

                           “TellTable Spreadsheet Audit: from technical possibility to operating prototype”;
Andy Adler, John Nash, Neil Smith, Univ. of Ottawa (CA)

                           “Identification of logical errors through Monte Carlo simulation”;
Hilary L. Emmett, (UK), Lawrence I. Goldman,  Decisioneering Ltd. (US)



KPMG logo 



12:40 – 14.00     Lunch break


14:00 – 15:40      Session 3: Complexity
“End User Computer Applications – Auditability and other Benefits Derived from a Temporal Dimension”;
Ralph Baxter, Cluster Seven (UK)

                            “A novel approach to formulae production and overconfidence measurement to reduce risk in spreadsheet modelling”;
Simon R. Thorne, D. Ball, Z. Lawson, UWIC (UK)

                           “Spreadsheet Models Complexity Metrics”;
Andrej Bregar, Univ. Maribor (SI)





15:40 – 16:10      Coffee break


16:10 – 17:20      Session 4: Visualization
“A Toolkit for Scalable Spreadsheet Visualisation”;
Markus Clermont, Univ. of Limerick (IE)

                            “Using Layout Information for Spreadsheet Visualization”;
 Sabine Hipfl, Univ. of Klagenfurt (AT)

17:20 – 17:30      wrap up of first day





19:00                  Bus-transfer to Magdalensberg (departure)


19:++ – …          Evening Event     

                                      Conference Dinner

                           After dinner speech: “VisiCalc: Design Trade offs in the First Electronic Spreadsheet”
Dan Fylstra, President, Frontline Systems

                          and  best student paper award


Sponsor of best student paper award




Friday, July 16th 2004

Southern wing, 1st floor

second day

Lecture hall C


8:30 –  8:40         Introduction to programme


8:40 –  9:50         Session 5: Structure
”Spreadsheet structure discovery”;
Jocelyn Paine, Univ. of Bristol (UK)

                            “Spreadsheet Good Practice: Is There Any Such Thing?”;
David Colver, Operis (UK)






 9:50 – 10:20       Coffee break


10:20 – 11:30       Session 6: Error avoidance
 “XlStruct: A Tool for Building Structured Error-Resistant Spreadsheets”;
Gary K. Arakaki , (JP)

                             ”Computational Models of Spreadsheet-Development: Basis for Educational Approaches”;
Karin Hodnigg, Univ. of Klagenfurt (AT), Markus Clermont, Univ. of Limerick (IE), Roland T. Mittermeir, Univ. of Klagenfurt (AT)



11:30 – 12:20       Panel session


12:20 – 12:40       Wrap up of conference


12:40                    Finish of scientific programme





12:40 – 14:00      Lunch


14:00                  EuSpRIG Committee Meeting (room 2.69)



Presentations of EuSpRIG’04 can be attended also via internet. Interested parties can connect to

By sending an e-mail to  you can participate in the discussions taking place after each presentation.